City of Aragon Solid Waste Agreement
$50.00 Non-Refundable Deposit
Monthly Service: $24.00
Senior Citizen (Over 65): $21.00
Georgia State Code mandates as part of the responsibilities of a city government, a city must provide some type of refuse collection. The Code also permits that a city can bill all residences in the city for service. Residence shall use the solid service provided by the city. No private services will be allowed inside the city limits. A citizen can dispose of their own refuse, if done in compliance with code.
Residents will be issued a garbage container, which shall be placed at the street on Monday for afternoon trash collection. The customer shall remove the container from the street no later than twenty-four (24) hours after the trash has been collected. At no time shall trash be placed in such a manner as to obstruct gutters, drains, walkways, streets, or alleys. It will be unlawful to put garbage, trash, etc. in a container not assigned to your residence. If you accumulate more than one city bin will hold, you will be required to rent another bin.
The containers are to be used for household waste only. No paint cans, metals, hazardous waste, grills, and any other materials that could damage the containers or collection vehicle shall be placed therein. The City will NOT collect the following items under any circumstance (effective January 1, 2010) Any trash, waste or materials of a commercial business of contractor; no motor vehicles or automotive parts, including tires; no hazardous waste; no refrigerators, air conditioners, HVAC units, or any other appliances or units that may contain Freon or other hazardous materials; no computers, TVs, DVD Players or similar units; no rocks, dirt, concrete blocks or bricks; or any material or item that could pose a risk to the city’s equipment or personnel. Any items weighing more than 100 pounds or items classified as bulky and hard to handle will also NOT be collected by the city. This includes, but is not limited to large items of furniture, appliances, hot water heaters, commodes, bathtubs, cabinets, etc. Trash that is not placed in trash bags will not be picked up.
The customer shall use reasonable care to protect and preserve the containers and not expose them to any risk of damage.
The city will provide for the removal of leaves, limbs, and brush, at no extra cost to the citizens on a periodic basis, provided that the materials are not the product of a commercial nature, i.e. if a property owner, or renter hires the removal of a tree or limbs, it becomes their responsibility to dispose of the debris. Said materials are to be placed near the street and shall not obstruct the flow of traffic, cover any drains, or pose a risk of any nature to persons or property. Said limbs and brush shall not exceed six (6) inches in diameter and exceed six (6) feet in length.
Garbage bills are sent out on the first of every month, due by the end of the month. Garbage pickup fees can be paid yearly. A container will be delivered to the household. Accounts delinquent for 60 days will have their container removed until account is brought current.