City of Aragon

In 1929, Aragon was referred to as an "Industrial Utopia" because of the employment and recreation offered by one of the original industrial enterprises of Polk County. The Aragon Mill was owned by A.D. Julliard & Company, Inc.
The mill was built and chartered in 1898 and was one of the largest in the state. In 1864, troops from Sherman's forces camped out at the spring located here in hopes to outflank Johnson's army at Allatoona, which resulted in the battle at New Hope Church in Dallas.
Aragon has since become an incorporated town with a government body consisting of a mayor and four council members. It is one of three cities in Polk County.
An annual Kids Day is held in June at the Aragon Mill Pond and features fun events for children 16 and under. The annual Aragon BBQ, held this year on September 20 & 21, features a softball tournament, kids games and a firework extravaganza.
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The Historical Society meets the first Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm at the museum.
Trash service monthly residental $25.00, monthly senior citizen (over 65) $22.00 for more options please call 770- 684-6563
*New Prices effective April 1st
New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day trash service does not operate.
Pickup days are: Monday - Trash, Tuesday - Yard Debris, and Friday - Furniture
If you would like to open a new garbage account please complete the Solid Waste Agreement Form then go to the make a payment tab and fill in all the information for the account number use 0000 and in the memo line state new garbage account, It is a $50.00 non refundable deposit
If you would like to make a payment on a citation, please do so by paying here.
If you need to make a trash payment or property tax payment, please do so by paying here.